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My Story
My name is Dana Lehman and I am the author of the Walnut Grove series of children’s books. All four books help encourage character development. I graduated with an Associates degree from Macomb Community College. I always enjoyed creative writing, and one of my dreams became reality in 2007 when my first book, Adventures at Walnut Grove: A Lesson about Teasing, was published. I currently reside in Allenton, Michigan with my husband and our two sons.
Judy Lehman (left) and Dana Lehman (right)

I have also participated in a program called ASK, which is an acronym for Author, Specialist, Knowledge. In the ASK process, teachers read my book to their students. Then the students write in their journal about their perceptions on what is happening to the characters in the book. Then they develop questions based on their journals that they would like to ask me. Finally, using video conferencing technology, they connect me to the students who then get a chance to ask their questions.